

permission: op. [] represents a required field, () represents an optional field


/ed action [name] tell: [text]

  • [name] player's name, "me" represents yourself
  • [text] string to be parsed

Send a message to player, which supports papi variable and color char '&'.


/ed action [name] tell-colorless: [text]

  • [name] player's name, "me" represents yourself
  • [text] string to be parsed

Send a message to player, which supports papi variable.


/ed action [name] tell-raw: [text]

  • [name] player's name, "me" represents yourself
  • [text] string

Send a raw message to player.


/ed action [name] groovy: [code]

  • [name] player's name, "me" represents yourself
  • [code] code in Groovy

Execute the code. Variables can be used are below:

  • player Player
  • itemStack Item in player's main-hand
  • world The world, where the player is located

Some examples:

/ed action me groovy: player.setFoodLevel(player.foodLevel+1)

Plus one food-level for yourself.

/ed action me groovy: tell(itemStack.type)

Tell you the item's type in your main-hand.

Attention! The function tell() here is defined in script\lib.groovy, an internal script file of plugin.